
The indoor meeting spaces of modern civilisation are the perfect synthesis of capitalism and nostalgia for the natural environment, and find their highest expression in the new shopping centres, especially in the post-pandemic era.

Large food courts are conceived as large covered plazas, where vegetation finds more and more space, while at the same time coming to terms with practical necessities, such as maintenance and development in artificial environments, where demanding installations and technical solutions are required.

The innovative concept of the Hybrid Landscape, which Ila is developing with great interest, expresses the synthesis between the requirements of a realistic, manageable space suitable for difficult conditions for flora. The combination of natural plants at hand, and large seminatural trees, makes it possible to create a living, but at the same time low-maintenance, fully plannable and ready-to-use environment.

Ila's experience in the field of green decorations inside shopping centres offers even greater possibilities: the seminatural technique favours the trunk, an element that can be completely customised and made to measure, creating light spaces, where views are not interrupted, and with a decidedly natural appearance, capable of reconnecting human beings with their essence.